Everyone in this world desires to live a special life which brings him fame, name, money and glamour. We all want to be remembered even after the cessation of our lives. But, one must know, that oblivion is inevitable. There was a time before it and there will be a time, no doubt, after it and perhaps Bhagat Singh, prophet Mohmmad and each one of us will be forgotten. In my opinion, a man possessing fear of oblivion is akin to a blind man possessing fear of darkness. What I will say is thatvwe are not and cannot be special to all but definitely to some who love us and, I think, this is sufficient. Attempting to escape something inescapable will only result in naught. To be remembered, someone must be alive who can remember us. But, I feel, that, one day, a strong tide will hit the Earth and kill off the human species. Thus, no one will be remembered by no one.
Living in this beautiful world
can't be described just by words
but what happens after death
will surely take away your breath
After our deaths we will go
to a place that we don't know
but the cloak of truth who wears
pain and agony is what he bears
We are celestial bodies who want to be stars
it is we who wish to remove all the scars
shroud if remembrance want we
but we can't wear it for eternity
One can't escape oblivion
it is the bitter truth and you can't run
the way we came, that way we'll go
silently, into the inescapable black hole
Oblivion is a side effect of dying
hey!!! I am not lying
like every awaiting letter, we'll be sent
to our destination, which will be our end
None will miss, none will remember
one day, we will not be together
like every novel, our story will get over
devastation and oblivion will only hover
Resurrection... no one can gain
and living the afterlife is a thought in vain
there was a time before it & there will be a time after it
things will vanish and nothing will remain beyond it.